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CRPE学术讲座:Predictability and Hedgeability of House Prices

www.crpe.cn  2006年03月17日  民研网  文字大小 [

题 目:Predictability and Hedgeability of House Prices:
    Dynamic Correlation between House Prices and Macroeconomic Factors

报告人:谷雁翔 (Anthony Yanxiang Gu) 博士、教授

  Dr. 谷雁翔 (Anthony Yanxiang Gu) is David Martin Professor of Finance and Economics at Jones School of Business, State University of New York, Geneseo; Fulbright Scholar, 2005-2006; Senior Visiting Financial Economist at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, summer 2005. M.S. and Ph.D., Finance, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

地 点:经济学院大楼418室

时 间:2006年03月24日(星期五)
    下午 14:30-16:30



Predictability and Hedgeability of House Prices


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